Various types of pseudo random number generators have been subjected to the Diehard battery of randomness tests. These tests were devised by George Marsaglia. He created a program that performs many tests on a file with bytes created by a generator and reports on the results. This program and documentation can be downloaded at:

The results of these tests on files of 11 MB created by the generators are summarized below. Refer to the link for a description of each test. A generator is deemed to have passed the test if the resulting p-values are uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, with no p-values equal to either 0 or 1 (to 5 significant digits).

Randomness Test 24-bit LCG 32-bit MWC 64-bit LCG 10^15 LCG XLCG Combo
Birthday Spacings Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Overlapping 5-Permutation Fail Pass Pass Fail Marginal Pass
Binary Rank Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Binary Rank for 6x8 Matrices Fail Pass Fail Fail Pass Pass
Bitstream (Monkey Test) Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
OPSO Fail Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass
OQSO Fail Pass Fail Fail Fail Pass
DNA Fail Pass Fail Fail Pass Pass
Count-the-1's on Stream of Bytes Fail Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass
Count-the-1's for Specific Bytes Fail Pass Fail Fail Fail Pass
Parking Lot Fail Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass
Minimum Distance Fail Pass Pass Marginal Pass Pass
3D Spheres Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Squeeze Fail Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass
Overlapping Sums Fail Pass Pass Marginal Pass Pass
Runs Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Craps Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

The 24-bit LCG is the generator used by the VBScript Rnd function. This generator does very poorly on the tests. The 64-bit LCG generator did better than a 32-bit LCG, but still failed several of the tests. The XLCG is an Extended Linear Congruential Generator with a period of about 2^96. The 10^15 LCG is a Linear Congruential Generator with a modulus of 10^15. It did surprisingly poorly. All MWC (Multiply With Carry) generators tested have passed all of the tests. The Combo generator combines 12 Multiply With Carry generators and also passes all tests.

For each generator, a VBScript program was written to produce pseudo random integers from the generator. Each generator was maximal length. Then the program was modified to convert the integers to bytes and write them to a file. 11 MB of bytes were written to the file. Then the Diehard battery of tests were run on the file.